
KIPCO Tower Emergency Evacuation Exercise - UFM

On March 17, 2015, The United Facilities Management Company (UFM) successfully conducted a comprehensive emergency evacuation exercise at KIPCO Tower, demonstrating its commitment to safety and preparedness. The drill, which involved all building occupants, was designed to simulate real-life emergency scenarios, ensuring that tenants and staff are well-prepared in case of fire, natural disasters, or other emergencies. UFM's highly trained team, in coordination with local authorities, oversaw the exercise to ensure that all safety protocols were followed efficiently. This initiative underscores UFM's dedication to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all stakeholders at KIPCO Tower.

In collaboration with Kuwait Fire Service Directorate, UFM Successfully tested the emergency evacuation plan in one of the tallest skyscrapers of Kuwait with 59 floors, a helipad and a range of 1000 to 1300 residents. Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD) provided UFM Employees including security staff and Facility Management Personnel to prepare them to deal with any emergency in the future. The Emergency Evacuation Exercise was supervised personally by the former Vice Chairmen and CEO of United Facilities Management Mr. Ahmad Al Kandari.